POLS 1600

Title of your Presentation

Group X:


Motivating Example

Provide an image or anecdote that can help your audience understand what they’re going to learn about

Research Question

Provide a concise summary of your project’s core question(s)


  • Use this section to explain how we should think about how to answer your research question

  • What explains variation in your outcome?


  • Translate your theory into a set of testable empirical implications


Summarize your data:

  • Source(s)
    • Unit of analysis
    • Number of observations (periods of observation)
  • Measures of:
    • Outcomes
    • Key Predictors
    • Covariates

Descriptive Summary

  • Provide a figure or table that provides a nice overview or insight into your data


Describe your empirical design

  • Present at least one of the models you estimate

\[ \text{Outcome} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \text{predictor} \]

  • Explain to your audience what your theory implies for the sign, size, and signficance of the coefficients


  • Summarize the results of your analysis

  • Interpret the coefficients from your models in terms of the predictions of your theory

Put a screen shot of a regression table here

  • Or you could generate the table by including your paper’s code and analysis in these slides

Put a figure here


  • Restate your research question

  • Summarize your answer

  • Offer some discussion of:

    • Implications
    • Limitations
    • Directions for future research


  • Additional slides go here