Welcome to POLS 1600

Data and Measurement

Updated May 31, 2024


  • Goals and Expectations
  • Course Structure
  • Course Policies
  • A Few Fundamental Truths

Goals and Expectations

What you will learn

You will learn

  • how to think like a social scientist
  • how to use data to make descriptive, predictive, and causal claims
  • how to quantify uncertainty about these claims
  • how to present, interpret, and critique these claims

Reasons to take this class

  1. You want to change the world

Why is this study important?

  • Findings provide evidence of benefits of social spending/universal basic income

Why should we believe these results

  • Because it’s in the Times?

  • Because the authors are professors at good schools?

  • Because of how the study was done!

    • Random assignment provides a reasoned basis for inference
    • Creates informative counter-factual comparisons
    • Pre-registered hypotheses ensure that we’re not cherry-picking results

Why might we be skeptical of these results?

  • How strong are the effects?
    • Is a fifth of a standard deviation a lot?
  • Why do we care about brain waves?
  • What’s the mechanism?
  • How confident are we that these results couldn’t have happened just by chance

Why might we be skeptical of these results?

Why might we be skeptical of these results?

Source: Andrew Gelman

Why might we be skeptical of these results?

Source: Andrew Gelman

Reasons to take this class

  • You want to change the world

    • Data, design, and analysis are incredlibly powerful tools
    • You want to understand their strengths and limits
  • You want to be a better consumer of data and knowledge

  • You want to be a better consumer of data and knowledge

  • You want to get a job / go to grad school

  • You have to

  • You’re just in it for the memes

Great expectations

I expect that you will come to class ready to engage with:

  • social science

  • data

  • programming

  • math


I assume that you will

  1. Do the readings
  1. Bring your computers 1
  1. Work through classwork
  1. Ask questions

Course structure


  • Tuesday: Lecture/Demonstration

  • Thursday: Lab/Exploration

Class websites

Software and computing

  • Statistics done using R
    • Open source (free) statistical language
  • Through R Studio
    • An integrated development environment for R
  • Results written up using R Markdown
    • Language for combing R code with html Markdown


R Studio


  • Project options in YAML
  • Code in triple backtick chunks:
    • Chunk options set with “#|” (hashpipe)
#| label = "simulate_data"
x <- rnorm(100)
y <- 2*x + rnorm(100)
  • Write up in Markdown

  • Output rendered as an html file

Getting set up for the course:

Here’s a link to a guide to get you setup for the course.

Take a crack at it after class, over the weekend.

Email me with any issues (there are always issues), and drop by my office hours on Tuesday so we can trouble shoot.



How to Read Imai

  • Active reading

  • Copy and run the code in the text. To do so, do the following:

if (!require("devtools")){
               build_vignettes  =  TRUE)

How to Read Imai

Once you’ve rune the following

remotes::install_github("kosukeimai/qss-package", build_vignettes = TRUE)

Anywhere the text loads data:

afghan <- read_csv("afgahn.csv")

You can do

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  15.00   22.00   30.00   32.39   40.00   80.00 

Additional Readings



You have three types of assignments in this course

  • Labs
  • Tutorials
  • Final Project


  • Each Thursday we will work in groups to complete an in-class lab
  • The labs are designed to reinforce and extend concepts from lecture using real world data.




  • Weeks 1 and 2 we’ll work collectively
  • Weeks 3 on, you’ll be assigned to small groups
  • Each week:
    • Log on to the Canvas, download the lab .qmd file
    • Open R Studio
    • Render the qmd file to get ready to work
    • Complete the lab
    • Upload the rendered html file to Canvas by the end of class
  • One question randomly graded
    • 100% if correct
    • 85% if incorrect, but you tried
    • 0% if you did not try/absent for the lab
  • Comments/Answers posted immediately after class

Problem Sets/Tutorials

  • Coding tutorials to reinforce concepts from lecture and textbook.
  • Accessed by running
learnr::run_tutorial("00-intro", package = "qsslearnr")
  • Complete the tutorial. Save output as “LASTNAME_TutorialNumber.pdf”
  • Upload output to Canvas by Friday by 11:59 pm
  • Grades:
    • 100% any upload
    • 0% no upload

Final Project

Your First Assignment:

  • Download and install R and R Studio
    • Email me if you have troubles
    • Troubleshoot by Zoom or in-person (111 Thayer Room 339)
  • Work through 00-software_setup before next class.

Portals of Discovery


  • ish happens
  • Seeing red is a good thing
  • We learn by making errors

Final Reports

  • Can be on any topic you like
  • More info to come
  • Due dates:
    • Week 2 Groups assigned
    • Week 3 Research Topics
    • Week 6 Data Proposal
    • Week 8 Data Explorations
    • Week 11 Drafts
    • Week 12 Presentations
    • Week 13 Final Paper

Grading and Other Policies






  • 5% Attendance
  • 10% Class involvement and participation
  • 10% Tutorials
  • 30% Labs
  • 20% Assignments for final paper
  • 20% Final paper

Course policies

  • Academic honesty
  • Community standards
  • Incomplete/late work


Two Fundamental Truths

Testa’s first fundamental truth

Testa’s first fundamental truth

Why would I profess my utter ignorance on the first day of class?

Four possible reasons…

1. Expectation Management

2. Pedagogical Tomfoolery

3. Positionality

4. Epistemology

Testa’s second fundamental truth

Testa’s second fundamental truth

Two kinds of people in this world

What is it that we say we do here

What does quantitative research do?

  • Descriptions


What does quantitative research do?

  • Descriptions
  • Explanations



What does quantitative research do?

  • Descriptions
  • Explanations
  • Predictions and Uncertainty

Predictions and Uncertainty

Predictions and Uncertainty

Predictions and Uncertainty

What does quantitative research do?

  • Descriptions
  • Explanations
  • Predictions and Uncertainty

Two kinds of people in this world


My research

  • I study American Poltical Behavior with focus on poltics of race and criminal justice
  • How do we break cycles of inequality when those most affected by injustice are the least likely to participate and those unaffected are the least likely to care?
  • How can we use methodological tools to better answer these questions?

But enough about me

Class survey

Please click here to take a brief survey that will help me structure the class going forward.

Next Week:

  • Complete the class survey
  • Download and Install R and R studio
  • Read Chapters 1 (Friday) and start Chapter 3 in QSS
  • Tuesday: Lecture: Describing Data in R
  • Thursday: Lab: Exploring COVID-19 data in the US
  • Friday: Submit Tutorials: “00-intro” & “01-measurement”
    • Only time you’ll have two tutorials due (Ok to submit late)