Lab 03 - Replicating Broockman and Kalla (2016)


Your Group Members Names Here


February 16, 2024


Today we will explore the logic and design of Broockman and Kalla’s 2016 study, “Durably reducing transphobia: A field experiment on door-to-door canvassing”, from the recruitment of subjects for the study to the delivery of their interventions. Then we will explore whether the intervention had any effect on respondents’ feelings toward transgender individuals.

To accomplish this we will:

  1. Summarize the study (5 Minutes)
  2. Set up our work space (2-3 Minutes)
  3. Load a portion of the replication data (1-2 Minutes)
  4. Get a high level overview of the data (5 minutes)
  5. Describe the distribution of covariates in the full dataset (5 minutes)
  6. Examine the difference in covariates between those who did and did not complete the survey (10 minutes)
  7. Examine the difference in covariates between those assigned to each treatment condition in the study. (10 minutes)
  8. Estimate the average treatment effect of the intervention (10 minutes)
  9. Plot the results and comment on the study (10 minutes)
  10. Take the weekly survey (3-5 minutes)

One of these 9 tasks (excluding the weekly survey) will be randomly selected as the graded question for the lab.

graded_question <- sample(1:9,size = 1)
paste("Question",graded_question,"is the graded question for this week")
[1] "Question 9 is the graded question for this week"

You will work in your assigned groups. Only one member of each group needs to submit the html file of lab.

This lab must contain the names of the group members in attendance.

If you are attending remotely, you will submit your labs individually.

Here are your assigned groups for the semester.


Conceptually, this lab will give you lots of practice calculating means and conditional means. We will use these means to

  • Describe the characteristics of the study’s population. After Question 5, you should be able to describe what a typical registered voter in Miami-Dade County looks like
  • Explore differences between participants in the study this population Do people who took the baseline survey differ in systematic ways from people who did not (Question 6)
  • Assess the empirical implications of the identifying assumptions of this design If treatment was randomly assigned, then participants assigned to treatment condition should on average look similar to participants in the control condition (Question 7)
  • Estimate the average treatment effect over multiple time periods You’ll recall from lecture that the ATE is simply a difference of conditional means:

\[ \begin{align*} E \left[ \frac{\sum_1^m Y_i}{m}-\frac{\sum_{m+1}^N Y_i}{N-m}\right]&=\overbrace{E \left[ \frac{\sum_1^m Y_i}{m}\right]}^{\substack{\text{Average outcome}\\ \text{among treated}\\ \text{units}}} -\overbrace{E \left[\frac{\sum_{m+1}^N Y_i}{N-m}\right]}^{\substack{\text{Average outcome}\\ \text{among control}\\ \text{units}}}\\ &= E [Y_i(1)|D_i=1] -E[Y_i(0)|D_i=0] \end{align*} \]

We’ll see that these quantities can be calculated quickly for multiple variables using the following commands:

  • We will use the group_by and summarise commands to quickly calculate average values for different groups, and the mutate function to calculate differences between these averages
  • We will introduce the across() and starts_with() functions to calculate summaries like a mean across multiple variables that start the the same pre-fixes.
  • We will introduce the pivot_longer(), pivot_wider() and left_join() commands to gather, spread, and merge data so that we can calculate the difference of means simply by subtracting means for one group in one column from means for another group in a different column
  • We will use ggplot() and related functions to graphically display our results.

Please render this .qmd file

As with every lab, you should:

  • Download the file
  • Save it in your course folder
  • Update the author: section of the YAML header to include the names of your group members in attendance.
  • Render the document (Check [X] Render on Save)
  • Open the html file in your browser (Easier to read)
  • Render the document again after completing a section or chunk (Error checking)
  • Upload the final lab to Canvas.

1 Summarize the study

Before we get started working with the data, please provide some brief answers (1-3 sentences) to the following questions

  • What’s the research question? Broadly the Broockman and Kalla (2016) is interested in questions about persuasion. How do we change peoples minds about controversial political topics. Specifically, they are interested in whether a brief conversation in which participants are given information transgender rights and encouraged to engage in analogic perspective taking can lead to lasting changes in attitudes on these issues.
  • What’s the theoretical framework? I would argue the paper draws on research from social psychology that suggests encouraging active processing and perspective taking can lead to durable changes in attitudes
  • What’s the empirical design? The authors conducted a randomized placebo controlled design. Participants who were registered voters in Miami-Dade County were recruited to take a baseline survey. Among those who completed the baseline survey, subjects were randomly assigned either the treatment or the placebo control condition. In the treatment condition, canvassers from a local organization would knock on subjects doors and deliver a script that provided information about transgender issues and encouraged respondents to try to look at these issues from the perspective of a transgendered person. In the placebo control condition, subjects received a message about recycling. Including a “placebo” control condition allows the authors to make comparisons between more similar groups (i.e. people who would actually answer their door when a canvasser knocked). The study also contained a number of post-treatment interventions (See figure 2)
  • What’s are the main results? Broockman and Kalla find that these brief 10-minute conversations increased tolerance toward transgendered indviduals by roughly a third of standard deviation and these effects persisted long after the intervention. These changes in general attitudes appear to in turn increase support for non-discrimination laws.

2 Set up your workspace

Here is some minimal code so that your lab will compile when you first knit it.

  1. In the code chunk below, please set up your work space by loading more packages, following the steps outlined in the slides here
# Set working directory
wd <- "." # Change to file path on your computer

# Load additional packages
the_packages <- c(
  ## R Markdown
  ## Tidyverse
  "tidyverse", "lubridate", "forcats", 
  "haven", "labelled",
  ## Extensions for ggplot
  "ggmap","ggrepel", "ggridges", 
  "ggthemes", "ggpubr", "GGally",
  "scales", "dagitty", "ggdag",
  # Data 

# Define function to load packages
ipak <- function(pkg){
    new.pkg <- pkg[!(pkg %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
    if (length(new.pkg)) 
        install.packages(new.pkg, dependencies = TRUE)
    sapply(pkg, require, character.only = TRUE)

kableExtra         DT  tidyverse  lubridate    forcats      haven   labelled 
      TRUE       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE 
     ggmap    ggrepel   ggridges   ggthemes     ggpubr     GGally     scales 
      TRUE       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE 
   dagitty      ggdag    COVID19       maps    mapdata        qss 
      TRUE       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE       TRUE 

3 Load the replication data

Next we’ll load the data for today, which is a subset of Broockman and Kalla’s full data set1

  1. Please run the code chunk below to load the data That’s it. That’s the task for this question

The will load a data frame called df containing the following variables:

  • completed_baseline whether someone completed the baseline survey (“Survey”) or not (“No Survey”)
  • treatment_assigned what intervention someone who completed the baseline survey was assigned two (treatment= “Trans-Equality”, placebo = “Recycling”)
  • answered_door whether someone answered the door (“Yes”) or not (“No”) when a canvasser came to their door
  • treatment_group the treatment assignments of those who answered the door and the received the treatment or placebo (treatment= “Trans-Equality”, placebo = “Recycling”)
  • vf_age the age of the person in years
  • vf_female the respondent’s sex (female = 1, male = 0)
  • vf_democrat whether the person was a registered Democract (Democrat=1, 0 otherwise)
  • vf_white whether the person was white (White=1, 0 otherwise)
  • vf_vg_12 whether the person voted in the 2012 general election (voted = 1, 0 otherwise)
  • therm_trans_tX a feeling thermometer2, where respondents are asked to rate how warmly they feel toward transgender people on a scale of 0 (Very Cold) to 100 (Very Warm), with 50 corresponding to neither warm nor cold. The _tX corresponds to the time the measure was taken:
    • _t0 pre-treatment measure from baseline survey
    • _t1 post-treatment measure 3-days after intervention
    • _t2 post-treatment measure 3-weeks after intervention
    • _t3 post-treatment measure 6-weeks after intervention
    • _t4 post-treatment measure 3-months after intervention

4 Provide a high level overview of the data

In the code chunk below, please write code to provide a high level overview of the data that allows you to answer the following questions.

Please interpret the results of your code by writing brief answers in Markdown after each question.

  1. How many observations are there in df? There are 68,378 observations in df
  2. How many variables are there in the df? There are 14 variables in df
  3. What’s the unit of analysis? Each row corresponds to a registered voter from Miami Dade County who was invited to take the baseline survey.
  4. How many registered voters completed the baseline survey? 1,825 registered voters took the baseline survey or 3% of the registered voters who were invited to take the survey
  5. How many treatment conditions are there? There are two treatment conditions, an intervention in which canvassers

informed voters that they might face a decision about the issue (whether to vote to repeal the law protecting transgender people); can- vassers asked voters to explain their views; and canvassers showed a video that presented arguments on both sides. Canvassers also defined the term “transgender” at this point and, if they were trans- gender themselves, noted this. The canvassers next attempted to encourage “analogic perspective- taking” (16). Canvassers first asked each voter to talk about a time when they themselves were judged negatively for being different. The can- vassers then encouraged voters to see how their own experience offered a window into transgen- der people’s experiences, hoping to facilitate voters’ ability to take transgender people’s perspectives. The intervention ended with another attempt to encourage active processing by asking voters to describe if and how the exercise changed their mind. (Broockman and Kalla 2016, p. 221)

And a placebo condition in which canvassers instead delivered a message about recycling.

  1. How many participants were assigned to each condition? 912 participants who completed the baseline survey were randomly assigned to receive the intervention about Trans Equality and 913 received the placebo message about Recycling.
  2. How many participants answered the door when a canvasser came? 501 registered voters actually answered the door when canvassers knocked and 1,324 did not.
  3. How many participants actually received each treatment condition? 246 registered voters received the Trans-Equality treatment and 255 received the placebo message about recycling.
# 1. How many observations are there in `df`?
[1] 68378
# 2. How many variables are there in the `df`?
[1] 14
# 3. What's the unit of analysis?
  completed_baseline treatment_assigned answered_door treatment_group   vf_age
1          No Survey               <NA>          <NA>            <NA> 23.00000
2          No Survey               <NA>          <NA>            <NA> 38.00000
3          No Survey               <NA>          <NA>            <NA> 48.00000
4          No Survey               <NA>          <NA>            <NA> 49.20192
5          No Survey               <NA>          <NA>            <NA> 49.20192
6          No Survey               <NA>          <NA>            <NA> 49.20192
  vf_female vf_democrat vf_white vf_vg_12 therm_trans_t0 therm_trans_t1
1         0           1        0        0             NA             NA
2         1           0        0        0             NA             NA
3         0           0        0        1             NA             NA
4         1           0        0        0             NA             NA
5         0           0        1        0             NA             NA
6         1           0        0        1             NA             NA
  therm_trans_t2 therm_trans_t3 therm_trans_t4
1             NA             NA             NA
2             NA             NA             NA
3             NA             NA             NA
4             NA             NA             NA
5             NA             NA             NA
6             NA             NA             NA
# 4. How many registered voters completed the baseline survey?

No Survey    Survey 
    66553      1825 
# 5. How many treatment conditions are there? 
[1] 2
# OR

     Recycling Trans-Equality 
           913            912 
# 6. How many participants were assigned to each condition?

     Recycling Trans-Equality 
           913            912 
# 7. How many participants answered the door when a canvasser came?

  No  Yes 
1324  501 
# 8. How many participants actually received the treatment?

     Recycling Trans-Equality 
           255            246 

5 Describe the distribution of covariates in the full dataset

Now let’s look at the distribution of pre-treatment covariates in the full data set.

The variables that start with vf_ contain information about registered voters from the voter file for Miami-Dade County:

  • vf_age the age of the person in years
  • vf_female the respondent’s sex (female = 1, male = 0)
  • vf_democrat whether the person was a registered Democract (Democrat=1, 0 otherwise)
  • vf_white whether the person was white (White=1, 0 otherwise)
  • vf_vg_12 whether the person voted in the 2012 general election (voted = 1, 0 otherwise)

The code below quickly calculates the mean for each of these voter file variables, by applying a the mean function across multiple columns that all start with vf_

  • df%>% pipes the df data frame into the summarise() function
  • across() tells summarise() to calculate the mean for every column in df that starts_with() vf_
df %>%
  # Calculate means for voter file variables
  summarise(across(starts_with("vf_"), mean))
    vf_age vf_female vf_democrat  vf_white  vf_vg_12
1 49.20192 0.5639679   0.4522069 0.1352628 0.6727895

Next I gather the columns together using the pivot_longer() command which pivots the columns which starts_with("vf") into a column named Covariates and puts their associated values into a column named Voter File Means

df %>%
  # Calculate means for voter file variables
  summarise(across(starts_with("vf_"), mean))%>%
  # Gather covariate means into `Voter File Means` column
    cols = starts_with("vf_"),
    names_to = "Covariate",
    values_to = "Voter File Means"
  ) -> cov_vf

# A tibble: 5 × 2
  Covariate   `Voter File Means`
  <chr>                    <dbl>
1 vf_age                  49.2  
2 vf_female                0.564
3 vf_democrat              0.452
4 vf_white                 0.135
5 vf_vg_12                 0.673
  1. Using cov_vf please describe the demographics of the df data set In the df data set, a typical registered voter has an average age just over 49 years. Fifty-six percent of the registered voters are female, 45 percent are registered as democrats, 13.5 percent identify as white, and 67 percent voted in the 2012 general election.

6 Examine the difference in covariate balance between those who did and did not take the baseline survey

Now let’s examine the difference in these covariates between registered voters who did and did not take the baseline survey.

The code below uses group_by(completed_baseline) to adapt the code from the previous section to calculate the covariate averages separately for respondents who did and did not complete the baseline survey.

df %>%
  # Calculate difference between Survey and Non-Survey Takers
  group_by(completed_baseline) %>%
  # Calculate means for voter file variables
  summarise(across(starts_with("vf_"), mean))
# A tibble: 2 × 6
  completed_baseline vf_age vf_female vf_democrat vf_white vf_vg_12
  <chr>               <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
1 No Survey            49.3     0.563       0.452    0.133    0.671
2 Survey               47.0     0.587       0.476    0.213    0.738

Next we reshape the data gathering the values for all the columns except the completed_baseline column

df %>%
  # Calculate difference between Survey and Non-Survey Takers
  group_by(completed_baseline) %>%
  # Calculate means for voter file variables
  summarise(across(starts_with("vf_"), mean))%>%
  # Gather columns containing means, exclude column for groups
    cols = starts_with("vf_"),
    names_to = "Covariate",
    values_to = "Means"
# A tibble: 10 × 3
   completed_baseline Covariate    Means
   <chr>              <chr>        <dbl>
 1 No Survey          vf_age      49.3  
 2 No Survey          vf_female    0.563
 3 No Survey          vf_democrat  0.452
 4 No Survey          vf_white     0.133
 5 No Survey          vf_vg_12     0.671
 6 Survey             vf_age      47.0  
 7 Survey             vf_female    0.587
 8 Survey             vf_democrat  0.476
 9 Survey             vf_white     0.213
10 Survey             vf_vg_12     0.738

Then we spread the values of the completed_baseline into separate columns using the pivot_wider() command

The column No Survey contains the mean value of each covariate for registered voters who did not complete the survey, and the Survey column contains averages for registered voters who completed the baseline.

df %>%
  # Calculate difference between Survey and Non-Survey Takers
  group_by(completed_baseline) %>%
  # Calculate means for voter file variables
  summarise(across(starts_with("vf_"), mean))%>%
  # Gather columns containing means, exclude column for groups
    cols = starts_with("vf_"),
    names_to = "Covariate",
    values_to = "Means"
  ) %>%
    names_from = completed_baseline,
    values_from = Means
# A tibble: 5 × 3
  Covariate   `No Survey` Survey
  <chr>             <dbl>  <dbl>
1 vf_age           49.3   47.0  
2 vf_female         0.563  0.587
3 vf_democrat       0.452  0.476
4 vf_white          0.133  0.213
5 vf_vg_12          0.671  0.738

Next we calculate the difference in means between Non Survey takers and survey takers using the mutate() function to create a column called Difference and save this output to an an object called cov_baseline

df %>%
  # Calculate difference between Survey and Non-Survey Takers
  group_by(completed_baseline) %>%
  # Calculate means for voter file variables
  summarise(across(starts_with("vf_"), mean))%>%
  # Gather columns containing means, exclude column for groups
    cols = starts_with("vf_"),
    names_to = "Covariate",
    values_to = "Means"
  ) %>%
    names_from = completed_baseline,
    values_from = Means
  # Calculate difference
    Diff_Survey = `No Survey` - Survey
  ) -> cov_baseline

# Display differences
# A tibble: 5 × 4
  Covariate   `No Survey` Survey Diff_Survey
  <chr>             <dbl>  <dbl>       <dbl>
1 vf_age           49.3   47.0        2.29  
2 vf_female         0.563  0.587     -0.0241
3 vf_democrat       0.452  0.476     -0.0241
4 vf_white          0.133  0.213     -0.0800
5 vf_vg_12          0.671  0.738     -0.0671

Finally, I join the values from cov_baseline into cov_vf using the shared column Covariate

cov_balance <- cov_vf %>% 
            by = c("Covariate" = "Covariate")
            ) %>%
# A tibble: 5 × 5
  Covariate   `Voter File Means` `No Survey` Survey Diff_Survey
  <chr>                    <dbl>       <dbl>  <dbl>       <dbl>
1 vf_age                   49.2        49.3   47.0         2.29
2 vf_female                 0.56        0.56   0.59       -0.02
3 vf_democrat               0.45        0.45   0.48       -0.02
4 vf_white                  0.14        0.13   0.21       -0.08
5 vf_vg_12                  0.67        0.67   0.74       -0.07
  1. Please describe the differences between those who completed the baseline survey and those who did not. Do these differences seem large or small?

Registered voters who took the survey tended to be younger by about 2.3 years. They were a little more likely to be female and registered Democrats by about 2 percentage points. They were 8 percentage points more likely to be White and 7 percentage points more likely to have voted in the 2012 general election than registered to voters who did not complete the baseline survey. It’s hard to say if these differences are large or small, or at least it’s hard to say with the tools you currently have.

Later in the course we’ll learn how to formally test these differences.

The code below calculate these differences in means (Estimate), and standardizes thes differences by their standard error which is a measure of how much we’d expect these differences to vary if we were to repeat this study.

Again, we’ll talk about this later, but the Estimate divided by its standard error produces what’s called a test statistic (t value) below. Again, more on this to come, but a test statistic greater than 2 for a simple difference of means is generally seen as evidence that it is unlikely this difference could have arrisen by chance.

We quantify this evidence with a p value (Pr(>|t|)) which is a conditional probablity (again more to come) of observing the test statistic we did, if some claim about the world (here a null hypotesis that there’s no difference between survey takers and non survey takers) was true. Again by convention, we take a p value less than 0.05 has evidence that the difference we observed was unlikely to happen by chance. The p-values for all of these differences are below that threshold, suggesting a substantive difference between people who did and did not take the survey.

# If needed install the estimator package
difference_in_means(vf_age ~ completed_baseline, df)
Design:  Standard 
                          Estimate Std. Error   t value     Pr(>|t|)  CI Lower
completed_baselineSurvey -2.294609  0.4231856 -5.422229 6.644116e-08 -3.124571
                          CI Upper       DF
completed_baselineSurvey -1.464647 1884.227
difference_in_means(vf_female ~ completed_baseline, df)
Design:  Standard 
                           Estimate Std. Error  t value  Pr(>|t|)    CI Lower
completed_baselineSurvey 0.02407179 0.01168631 2.059827 0.0395491 0.001152637
                           CI Upper       DF
completed_baselineSurvey 0.04699094 1926.849
difference_in_means(vf_democrat ~ completed_baseline, df)
Design:  Standard 
                           Estimate Std. Error  t value   Pr(>|t|)     CI Lower
completed_baselineSurvey 0.02405152 0.01185144 2.029417 0.04255315 0.0008085056
                           CI Upper       DF
completed_baselineSurvey 0.04729453 1924.591
difference_in_means(vf_white ~ completed_baseline, df)
Design:  Standard 
                          Estimate  Std. Error  t value     Pr(>|t|)   CI Lower
completed_baselineSurvey 0.0800237 0.009679071 8.267705 2.538799e-16 0.06104094
                           CI Upper       DF
completed_baselineSurvey 0.09900647 1893.426
difference_in_means(vf_vg_12 ~ completed_baseline, df)
Design:  Standard 
                           Estimate Std. Error t value     Pr(>|t|)   CI Lower
completed_baselineSurvey 0.06708314 0.01045477 6.41651 1.747561e-10 0.04657937
                          CI Upper       DF
completed_baselineSurvey 0.0875869 1939.909

Just for fun here’s some code to calculate lots of differences in means programatically.

# If you don't have the purrr package, install it
# Load the purr package

# From the df data frame
df %>%
  # Get the select the columns whose names start with vf_
  # Extract the column names
  # Create the formulas to calculate the diff in means for
  # Each variable
  purrr::map(~ formula(paste0(.," ~ completed_baseline"))) %>%
  # Caclulate the difference in means for each variable
  purrr::map(~difference_in_means(., data = df)) %>%
  # Put the output into a tidy data frame.
                      term    estimate   std.error statistic      p.value
1 completed_baselineSurvey -2.29460913 0.423185606 -5.422229 6.644116e-08
2 completed_baselineSurvey  0.02407179 0.011686315  2.059827 3.954910e-02
3 completed_baselineSurvey  0.02405152 0.011851441  2.029417 4.255315e-02
4 completed_baselineSurvey  0.08002370 0.009679071  8.267705 2.538799e-16
5 completed_baselineSurvey  0.06708314 0.010454770  6.416510 1.747561e-10
       conf.low   conf.high       df     outcome
1 -3.1245708127 -1.46464745 1884.227      vf_age
2  0.0011526374  0.04699094 1926.849   vf_female
3  0.0008085056  0.04729453 1924.591 vf_democrat
4  0.0610409386  0.09900647 1893.426    vf_white
5  0.0465793725  0.08758690 1939.909    vf_vg_12

7 Examine the difference in covariates between those assigned to each treatment condition in the study.

One of the identifying assumptions of an experimental design like Broockman and Kalla’s is that treatment is independent of potential outcomes and covariates.

One of the empirical implications of this assumption is that, that the differences in observable covariates between treatment and control should be small.

To the extent the groups are comparable on observable covariates, we are more confident that the random assignment of treatment conditions has created a credible counterfactual comparison.

Using the code from the previous section as a guide, calculate the difference in average covariate values between those subjects who completed the baseline survey and were randomly assigned to receive the Trans-Equality treatment, and those who were randomly assigned to receive the Recyclying placebo.

To accomplish this you will need to do the following:

  • add a filter(!>% after df%>% to filter out subjects who didn’t not complete the baseline.
  • Replace completed_baseline with treatment_assigned in the code
  • In the mutate() function, change:
    • Diff_Survey to Diff_Treatment
    • the values Survey to Recycling and No Survey to Trans-Equality
  • Change -> cov_baseline to -> cov_treatment
df %>%
  # Calculate difference between Survey and Non-Survey Takers
  group_by(treatment_assigned) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  # Calculate means for voter file variables
  summarise(across(starts_with("vf_"), mean))%>%
    cols = starts_with("vf_"),
    names_to = "Covariate",
    values_to = "Means"
  ) %>%
    names_from = treatment_assigned,
    values_from = Means
  # Calculate difference
    Diff_Treat = `Trans-Equality` - Recycling
    )-> cov_treat

cov_balance <- cov_balance %>% 
            by = c("Covariate" = "Covariate")
            ) %>%
# A tibble: 5 × 8
  Covariate   `Voter File Means` `No Survey` Survey Diff_Survey Recycling
  <chr>                    <dbl>       <dbl>  <dbl>       <dbl>     <dbl>
1 vf_age                   49.2        49.3   47.0         2.29     46.3 
2 vf_female                 0.56        0.56   0.59       -0.02      0.59
3 vf_democrat               0.45        0.45   0.48       -0.02      0.46
4 vf_white                  0.14        0.13   0.21       -0.08      0.21
5 vf_vg_12                  0.67        0.67   0.74       -0.07      0.76
# ℹ 2 more variables: `Trans-Equality` <dbl>, Diff_Treat <dbl>
  1. Please describe the covariate differences between each treatment condition. Are these differences larger or smaller than those between who completed the survey and those who did not?

Subjects assigned to the treatment condition tended to be a little older (by about 1.3 years), were a little less likely to be women (by 1 percentage point) and have voted in the 2012 election (by about 3.7 percentage points) and a little more likely to be Democrats (by 2.4 percentage points) and white (0.7 percentage points).

These differences are smaller than the differences we saw between those who did and did not complete the baseline survey.

A more formal test of these differences show none rise to conventional levels of signficance (although some are close).

In short, randomization appears to have succeeded in creating groups that are balanced on observable covariates

df %>%
  # Get the select the columns whose names start with vf_
  # Extract the column names
  # Create the formulas to calculate the diff in means for
  # Each variable
  purrr::map(~ formula(paste0(.," ~ treatment_assigned"))) %>%
  # Caclulate the difference in means for each variable
  purrr::map(~difference_in_means(., data = df)) %>%
  # Put the output into a tidy data frame.
                              term     estimate  std.error  statistic
1 treatment_assignedTrans-Equality  1.396351618 0.83909954  1.6641072
2 treatment_assignedTrans-Equality -0.010315184 0.02305928 -0.4473333
3 treatment_assignedTrans-Equality  0.024630820 0.02338612  1.0532239
4 treatment_assignedTrans-Equality  0.007904825 0.01918266  0.4120818
5 treatment_assignedTrans-Equality -0.037547318 0.02057720 -1.8247045
     p.value    conf.low   conf.high       df     outcome
1 0.09626310 -0.24934739 3.042050625 1820.500      vf_age
2 0.65468760 -0.05554057 0.034910206 1822.958   vf_female
3 0.29237797 -0.02123559 0.070497225 1822.978 vf_democrat
4 0.68032796 -0.02971749 0.045527135 1822.611    vf_white
5 0.06820959 -0.07790475 0.002810116 1818.910    vf_vg_12

Among those who actually answered the door when canvassers came, we see that that those who received the Trans Equality treatment tended to be less likely to have voted in the 2012 election and this difference seems unlikely to have occurred just by chance (p < 0.05).

df %>%
  # Get the select the columns whose names start with vf_
  # Extract the column names
  # Create the formulas to calculate the diff in means for
  # Each variable
  purrr::map(~ formula(paste0(.," ~ treatment_group"))) %>%
  # Caclulate the difference in means for each variable
  purrr::map(~difference_in_means(., data = df)) %>%
  # Put the output into a tidy data frame.
                           term     estimate  std.error  statistic    p.value
1 treatment_groupTrans-Equality  1.394452415 1.55307925  0.8978630 0.36969337
2 treatment_groupTrans-Equality -0.051506456 0.04432244 -1.1620853 0.24575773
3 treatment_groupTrans-Equality  0.049450024 0.04470558  1.1061265 0.26920556
4 treatment_groupTrans-Equality  0.005117169 0.03895784  0.1313514 0.89555033
5 treatment_groupTrans-Equality -0.070636059 0.03490806 -2.0234886 0.04357276
     conf.low    conf.high       df     outcome
1 -1.65695859  4.445863421 496.9527      vf_age
2 -0.13858859  0.035575678 497.7538   vf_female
3 -0.03838466  0.137284707 498.2590 vf_democrat
4 -0.07142479  0.081659126 498.0901    vf_white
5 -0.13922641 -0.002045711 483.1785    vf_vg_12

If there there large differences across multiple covariates, we might worry that something systematic was going on with the canvassers that made participants more or less likely to answer the door.

Even if we’re confident these differences aren’t something systematic, we can, as Broockman and Kalla do, adjust our estimates to control for these small differences to ensure that we’re isolating the effect of the treatment and not conflating this with other chance variations the voting histories or demographics of the subjects in the treatment and the control.

Statistically significant differences do happen by chance: 1 time out of 20 we’d expect a p-value below 0.05 even when there was no real difference.

The probability of a false positive (i.e. of detecting a difference that isn’t there) increases as we make more comparisons (test multiple differences)

We can adjust our p values for these multiple to control for this increased probablity of making false discoveries. When we do, the differences in voting rates are no longer statistically significant.

df %>%
  # Get the select the columns whose names start with vf_
  # Extract the column names
  # Create the formulas to calculate the diff in means for
  # Each variable
  purrr::map(~ formula(paste0(.," ~ treatment_group"))) %>%
  # Caclulate the difference in means for each variable
  purrr::map(~difference_in_means(., data = df)) %>%
  # Put the output into a tidy data frame.
    p.value = p.adjust(p.value, method = "BH")
                           term     estimate  std.error  statistic   p.value
1 treatment_groupTrans-Equality  1.394452415 1.55307925  0.8978630 0.4621167
2 treatment_groupTrans-Equality -0.051506456 0.04432244 -1.1620853 0.4486759
3 treatment_groupTrans-Equality  0.049450024 0.04470558  1.1061265 0.4486759
4 treatment_groupTrans-Equality  0.005117169 0.03895784  0.1313514 0.8955503
5 treatment_groupTrans-Equality -0.070636059 0.03490806 -2.0234886 0.2178638
     conf.low    conf.high       df     outcome
1 -1.65695859  4.445863421 496.9527      vf_age
2 -0.13858859  0.035575678 497.7538   vf_female
3 -0.03838466  0.137284707 498.2590 vf_democrat
4 -0.07142479  0.081659126 498.0901    vf_white
5 -0.13922641 -0.002045711 483.1785    vf_vg_12

8 Calculate the Average Treatment Effect

Now let’s take the same approach to calculate the Average Treatment Effect (ATE) for each time period.

Using the code from the previous sections as a template,

  • Add a filter(!>% after df%>% to filter out subjects who didn’t receive the treatment.3
  • Change summarise(across(starts_with("vf_"), \(x) mean(x, na.rm=T))%>% code to select variables that start with therm_trans
  • Change the cols argument in pivot_longer() to select the columns that start with therm_trans
  • Everywhere you see treatment_assigned in the code replace it with treatement_group
  • In the mutate() function, change:
    • Diff_Treatment to ATE
    • Add the following line Days = c(0,3,21,42,90) to create a column called Days (*make sure to put a comma after ATE =Trans-Equality- Recycling, ). Be sure to wrap Trans-Equality in backticks ` before and after the phrase
  • Change -> cov_treatment to ate_df
df %>%
  # Calculate difference between Survey and Non-Survey Takers
  group_by(treatment_assigned) %>%
  filter(! %>%
  # Calculate means for voter file variables
  summarise(across(starts_with("therm_trans"), \(x) mean(x, na.rm=T)))%>%
    cols = starts_with("therm_trans"),
    names_to = "Covariate",
    values_to = "Means"
  ) %>%
    names_from = treatment_assigned,
    values_from = Means
  # Calculate difference
    ATE = `Trans-Equality` - Recycling,
    Days = c(0,3,21,42,90)
    )-> ate_df

# A tibble: 5 × 5
  Covariate      Recycling `Trans-Equality`   ATE  Days
  <chr>              <dbl>            <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 therm_trans_t0      52.9             53.6 0.664     0
2 therm_trans_t1      54.1             60.8 6.76      3
3 therm_trans_t2      54.6             59.1 4.49     21
4 therm_trans_t3      52.5             58.7 6.23     42
5 therm_trans_t4      53.4             58.7 5.30     90
  1. Did the treatment seem to effect respondents feelings toward transgender people? The treatment appears to increase respondents favorable feelings toward transgender individuals by about 4 to 6 points
  2. Does this effect appear to last? The effects appear relatively stable and persistent, as 90 days after the intervention, respondents who got the Trans-Equality treatment still rated transgender individuals more about 5.3 points higher than subjects who got the Recycling Placebo.

9 Plot the results and comment on the study

Using ate_df with commands from the ggplot package please produce a figure that displays these differences

  • You’ll need to provide
    • data
    • aes
    • geom

Here’s a simple plot visualzing the ATE’s

ate_df %>%
  ggplot(aes(Days, ATE))+
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0,linetype=2)+
  labs(x="Days Since Treatment",
       y = "ATE on Feeling Thermometers\n toward Transgender People")

If we wanted to produce something more simlar to Figure 1, we’d need to calculate confidence intervals around our estimate. Again, getting ahead of ourselves, a confidence interval is a coverage interval with the property that some \(\alpha\) percent of intervals constructed in this manner will contain the true value of quantitantity of interest. When we construct a 95% confidence interval, we are saying that 95 percent of the time this interval contains the “truth” (5 percent of the time the truth lies outside this interval). So we think of confidence intervals as conveying a range of plausible values for what the true difference between people who got the treatment and people who got the placebo might be. When 0 lies within this range, we conclude that the difference is “non-significant” since the estimate could have been negative or could have been positive (both are equally likely in a Frequentist view of confidence intervals).

Below we see that the ATE appears non significant 21 days and 90 days after the intervention. The confidence intervals reported by Broockman and Kalla in figure 1 are generally much farther from 0. They’re using multiple measures to capture a more general measure of transgender tolerance. In general, using multiple measures of a complex concept reduces measurement error, resulting in more precise estimates.

df %>%
  # Get the select the columns whose names start with vf_
  # Extract the column names
  # Create the formulas to calculate the diff in means for
  # Each variable
  purrr::map(~ formula(paste0(.," ~ treatment_group"))) %>%
  # Caclulate the difference in means for each variable
  purrr::map(~difference_in_means(., data = df)) %>%
  # Put the output into a tidy data frame.
    ATE = estimate,
    Days = c(0,3,21,42,90)
  ) -> ate_df

ate_df %>%
  ggplot(aes(Days, ATE))+
  geom_linerange(aes(ymin=conf.low, ymax=conf.high))+
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0,linetype=2)+
  labs(x="Days Since Treatment",
       y = "ATE on Feeling Thermometers\n toward Transgender People")

  1. Finally, use this space to share some thoughts on the study
  • Do you find it convincing? I do.
  • What makes the design credible? Random assignment paired with a placebo control.
  • Are there things you would do differently? I do wonder a bit about attrition across multiple waves (some people who completed the baseline survey don’t respond to future surveys), and what the proper way scale their multiple measures into a single outcome measure is. There aren’t huge differences on our observable covariates between those who participated in the baseline and those who participated in the final wave, so maybe it doesn’t make a huge difference, but in theory, you could try and bound the results, imputing extreme values to those who drop out, to get a sense of how much attrition might change the conclusions.
[1] 0
[1] 72
[1] 102
[1] 100
[1] 116
df %>%
   # Calculate means for voter file variables
  summarise(across(starts_with("vf_"), mean))%>%
  # Gather columns containing means, exclude column for groups
    cols = starts_with("vf_"),
    names_to = "Covariate",
    values_to = "Means"
  ) %>%
    names_from = treatment_group,
    values_from = Means
  # Calculate difference
    Diff_t0 = `Trans-Equality` - Recycling
  ) -> cov_bal_t0

df %>%
   # Calculate means for voter file variables
  summarise(across(starts_with("vf_"), mean))%>%
  # Gather columns containing means, exclude column for groups
    cols = starts_with("vf_"),
    names_to = "Covariate",
    values_to = "Means"
  ) %>%
    names_from = treatment_group,
    values_from = Means
  # Calculate difference
    Diff_t4 = `Trans-Equality` - Recycling
  ) -> cov_bal_t4

# A tibble: 5 × 4
  Covariate   Recycling `Trans-Equality`  Diff_t0
  <chr>           <dbl>            <dbl>    <dbl>
1 vf_age         48.7             50.1    1.39   
2 vf_female       0.592            0.541 -0.0515 
3 vf_democrat     0.463            0.512  0.0495 
4 vf_white        0.251            0.256  0.00512
5 vf_vg_12        0.847            0.776 -0.0706 
# A tibble: 5 × 4
  Covariate   Recycling `Trans-Equality`  Diff_t4
  <chr>           <dbl>            <dbl>    <dbl>
1 vf_age         49.6             50.3    0.734  
2 vf_female       0.597            0.575 -0.0217 
3 vf_democrat     0.476            0.525  0.0494 
4 vf_white        0.267            0.274  0.00675
5 vf_vg_12        0.864            0.765 -0.0987 
  • Do you think the results would “travel” to other topics and issues? I think it would be interesting to apply this approach to questions of racial justice or partisan polarization.

10 Take the Class Survey

Please take a few moments to complete the class survey for this week.

If you’re interested, the intellectual history of this study is quite the tail:


  1. You can find the full set of replication files here↩︎

  2. The actual study contains a number of measures about transgender attitudes and policies which are scaled together to produce a single measure of subjects latent tolerance. For simplicity, we’ll focus on this single survey item.↩︎

  3. Recall that only some people who completed the baseline and were assigned to receive the treatment actually answered the door when canvassers came knocking.↩︎